What a month, school keeps things hopping! The bad news is I haven’t even had time to reflect on life for a brilliant blog…but the good news is I haven’t had time to reflect on the weird smell coming from my trash can so all is good. This month I got in lots of girl time with a variety of friends from different walks of life. At one outing I joined a group of women, where I happened to have a conversation with a teenager, a teenage girl to be exact and the daughter of one of my friends. Let me tell you I was never really good at talking to teenagers when I WAS a teenager and things haven’t really improved…our conversation pretty much went…-How is school? Fine -Looking forward to college? Yes -Met any cool friends this year? No -I bet you can’t wait for the weekend? yes
Later her mom gave me the DL (down low) that she was having a lot of trouble with what is known as Mean Girls. Mean Girls- Girls who team up and single out another girl maybe because her hair is different, her clothing is different, or gasp! she is doing something BETTER than another girl. We all smiled and reflected on how thankful we ALL were that we were not in highschool and that we were finally away from the Mean Girls, insecurities, dirty looks, and all those moments when you were dragged into every painstaking minute of drama! So of course, women of class, we moved things along to a more mature topic..can you believe so and so what she wore to church? I mean we weren’t at a flash dance party!?! And how does so and so afford their house? I mean I’m over here counting dimes for discount Pizza! And I heard so and so was seen at a party alone? And she was doing the YMCA with her husband nowhere around (ps. some of these events were exaggerated for the sake of blogging!)
In our conversation about other people it dawned on me (give me a break I’m slow)…the MEAN girls never really go away! Are we all really teenage girls stuck in grown up (and less than toned) bodies?? Do we have to always look over our shoulder at work for fear someone will start a rumor because you gasp! did something good and people noticed and someone is jealous? Do we have to justify someone who is a size 6 by saying she is on crack cocaine? (maybe that’s just me) Of course you may wonder if I did the MEGA courageous thing and stand up to all my friends and yell out in passion ‘STOP! This Insanity! I will not be a Mean Girl any longer!!!!’…..ummmmm. no. I stuffed a cheese ball in my mouth and talked with the best of them….
But don’t think it left me, oh no, God used every opportunity to show me that women are hard working creatures, mothers, wives, sisters, friends, emotional and loving people, and we all have a common thread…even that crazy lady you work with who seems to shoot the death ray stare when you walk by (she too probably has something in common). Don’t get me wrong, the male race is great and all, I have a son, but nobody understands the female journey..like well…a female….so I’m trying really, really hard this week to stop being a Mean Girl Teenager and start being more like a Supportive Girl Lady! Wish me luck, Mega Girl needs it!
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